
St Paul Fire Resuce88 and Tanker88

Fire Department


The goal of Saint Paul Volunteer Fire Department is to minimize the loss of life and property of the effects of fire, medicals, or other emergencies, and to render assistance as required. Inherent in this goal is the desire to protect and enhance the quality of life of our citizens and community by responding quickly, performing with excellence, serving at every opportunity, and providing public education with special emphasis on programs for children. All emergency and non-emergency services are developed, maintained, and provided by highly trained professionals dedicated to excellence.

The members of the Saint Paul Volunteer Fire Department take pride in our commitment to professional service by maintaining our skills, knowledge and abilities. All members of the Department will conduct themselves in an ethical manner conforming to a moral standard of right versus wrong by treating each other and the people we serve humanely, decently, and honestly. We subscribe to the following values: 


Members of the Saint Paul Volunteer Fire Department will be accountable to each other and the community we serve. We accept responsibility for our decisions and actions. 


As members of the Saint Paul Volunteer Fire Department, we strive for honesty and fairness in our dealings with our customers and each other. We are honorable to our profession and we inspire each other to maintain trustworthiness, openness and sincerity.


Saint Paul Volunteer Fire Department members will adapt to the ever changing needs of our community, the organization and the environment.