The Town of St Paul Council is the legislative body of the local government that is responsible for adopting all ordinances and resolutions, approving the annual operating and capital budgets, setting all tax rates, approving the five year Capital Improvement Program, setting all user fees, making land use and zoning decisions, and establishing long-range plans and policies.
Regular Council Meetings - 2nd Monday of the Month
Council Members
Kenneth Holbrook, Mayor
kholbrook [at] stpaulva.org (holbrook[at]stpaulva[dot]org)
Matt Jordan, Vice Mayor
mjordan [at] stpaulva.org (mjordan@stpaulva.org)
Bill Wallace
wcwsurveys [at] gmail.com (wcwsurveys[at]gmail[dot]com)
Bob Salyers
Harry Kelly
hjkelly3 [at] verizon.net (hjkelly3[at]verizon[dot]net)
Jeff Langley
jlangley [at] aol.com (jlangley[at]aol[dot]com)
Danny Webb
dwebb [at] stpaulva.org (dwebb[at]stpaulva[dot]org)